Salary Boost Alert: RS 18,000 Rising to RS 46,260, Check Fitment Factor Update

Most Probably the Government Employees Salary Revision Will Take Place Soon as Reports Indicate a Significant Increase in the Fitment Factor through the 8th Pay Commission. If This New Fitment Factor Works, the Minimum Salary for Government Employees Would Increase Upwards of ₹18,000 Upwards to 46260, which Would Mean a Significant Amount.

What Is The Fitment Factor?

Fitment Factor is One of the Things That Employer Looks into When Considering Revised Salaries for Employees in Government Under the Pay Commission. 

Expected Increase In Fitment Factor

Fitment factor is what multiplies the basic pay increment for any employee in the government by using the formula: old salary times a certain number. Currently, the existing fitment factor is fitment factor at 2.57, which allows an employees’ basic emoluments to be 2.57 times of prior pay scale.

Increase Expected For Fitment Factor

Speculations are there, saying that the government would increase the fitment factor to 3.68, which results in a monstrous salary hike. Here is how it will change :  

  • Minimum Current Salary: ₹18000 (with 2.57 fitment factor)  
  • Anticipated salary at a fitment factor of 3.68: ₹46,260  

Therefore, employees at the entry-level pay scale could see their salaries more than double once the new fitment factor is approved.  

Advantages Of It For Government Employees  

An increase of the fitment factor at 3.68 will therefore have the following benefits to government employees:  

  1. A higher net take-home salary for the employee as he will be receiving a larger paycheck for that month.  
  2. Very High Increase in DA and HRA because of the fixed basic income, which will be high and will automatically give a good figure to each.  
  3. Better Pension Benefits- Retired employees stand to gain even more benefits since pensions are linked to basic salary.  
  4. High Provident Fund Deductions: More will be saved for the employees as they will have a bigger salary to deduct PF from now on.  

When Will The New Fitment Factor Be Applicable? 

There is no official confirmation yet, but with sources saying that the 8th Pay Commission may be announced soon, this new fitment factor might come into effect by 2026. However, given the climbing cost of living, unions for employees are demanding an earlier revision.  


The fitment factor may soon be raised to 3.68, which is an indication of how huge salary jumps would be for government employees: Minimum from ₹18,000 to ₹46,260. If this is approved, it is bound to provide a wide financial boost to millions of employees across India. Stay Tuned for the Official Announcements!

Also Read: EPFO 3.0 Rollout: PF Withdrawal Via ATM To Become A Reality

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