1 Crore Employees Affected, Pay Commission to Cut Several Benefits Of Govt Staff

7th Pay Commission Update: 1 crore central government employees face big setback. The huge change news is that the government has been thinking of scrapping some allowances that may lead to a big-changing salary structure. Know what all allowances, and how much loss will the employees have, check out all updates latest: 

Update For Central Employees 

A big update for central employees. Many existing allowances may be abolished in the new pay commission, which is likely to be a jolt for the one crore employees. Intensive discussions are going on for the recommendations of the 8th Pay Commission, and at this time it is also expected that there will be an increase in the fitment factor.

When Will The 8th Pay Commission Actually Be Constituted?

The 8th Pay Commission has been approved by the central government this year. All that remains to be seen is the formation of the commission. Therefore, the employees are now waiting with bated breath for this. It is predicted that next month the government of India will declare the names of its chairman and two other members. This event is more than likely to build a case for implementing the recommendations of the new pay commission before the year closes.

Will There Be Increments In Salary And Pension?

The most discussed topic of the 8th Pay Commission is the fitment factor and possible increase in salaries. The increase in the fitment factor will lead to a grim upward movement in salaries and pensions for employees. Directly, more than one crore families of the country will be directly benefited from it.

Allowances Will Be Re-evaluated

Re-evaluation of the existing allowances will be done for the central employees as the pay commission assesses not only salary and pension but also allowances. Whereas some allowances may be discontinued, there are high probabilities that new allowances may be formed.

Possibility Of Abolition of Allowances

According to news reports, some old allowances can be abolished in the 8th Pay Commission. It is speculated that the commission might get inclinations toward abolishing non-essential allowances. In parallel, some new allowances can also be incorporated on the need-of-the-hour consideration.

These Allowances Were Abolished During 7th Pay Commission

The 7th Pay Commission, which came into effect from 1 January 2016, examined 196 allowances. Of these, 95 were approved, while 101 were abolished. Some of them existed as composite allowances with other allowances, and others were abolished entirely.

Possibility Of Formation of 8th Pay Commission Next Month

It is believed that April 2025 is the likely month for the formation of the 8th Pay Commission. The central government will also announce shortly that the panel will be headed by a chairman of the pay commission and two other members. It may, however, take one or two years for the government to prepare the report of the commission because it will be consulting the employees’ representatives and some prominent people.

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